Most Valued People
People who have made a difference in my life.

Dorothy Garrett
My mother.

Dale Garrett
My adopted father.

Earl W. Bushey
My grandfather. One of my surrogate fathers.

Florence Bushey
My grandmother. The sweetest person I have ever known.

Richard Gore
My uncle was more like a big brother.

Ray Biggerstaff
Mr. Biggerstaff was my Scoutmaster.

Ross Turner
One of my two best friends from early life until today.

Jerry Tambe
One of my two best friends from early life until today.

Bob Turner
My good friend Ross Turner’s father, a surrogate father to me.
Marge Garrett

Wife, friend, partner, and source of all happiness.
Del Heyne

My high school counselor who later became my college counselor.

Maury Webb
Executive Vice President at Hollister-Stier who was a great mentor

Milt Donfeld
A very senior broker at Merrill Lynch who was a great mentor,

Jack Queen
My supervisor, manager at Merrill Lynch who was an excellent leader and mentor.

Arlen Crouch
Regional Director at Merrill Lynch who was an excellent example of a leader and mentor.

Cliff Dochterman
President of Rotary International, who was a friend, source of inspiration and mentor.

Dan Gasparo
Professional Scouter who introduced me to Rotary and was a great friend and mentor.

Todd Robinson
Chairman of LPL Financial who was a friend, mentor and source of inspiration.

Gertrude Deitz
Gertrude was my aunt-in-law from my first marriage. She was very inspirational in many ways, including as a pilot in the Woman’s Air Force during WWII. My favorite Gertrude quote, “I didn’t need to be liberated because I was never dominated.”
People who have influenced and inspired me over the years.

Ward Kimball
I knew Ward through his daughter Chloe. One of the key people at Walt Disney.

Walt Disney
The legend I met through through Ward Kimball.

Ansel Adams
Legendary photographer who provided me with guidance and inspiration through his publications and photographs.
Stephen Covey

I met Steve Covey long after he provided me with years of inspiration. You can relate that constancy of purpose to the essential idea expressed by Stephen Covey in his 1990 best selling book Seven Habits of Highly Effective People: “Begin with the end in mind.”
Zig Ziglar

The photo is proof positive that I actually met Zig Ziglar. One of the greatest motivational speckers of our time. I listened to many hours of his stories, my favorite Zig quote, “You will get all you want in life, if you help enough other people get what they want.”
Edward Deming

Dr. Deming is famous in the world of quality for his White Bead Company demonstration. In this demonstration, he presents the idea that inspection at the end of the white bead manufacturing line cannot reduce the 10% red bead (errors) output. The reduction of the red bead count must take place by controlling the inputs and process not by making improvements to the inspection process.
Sun Tzu

I never met Sun Tzu, since he lived somewhere around 2,500 years ago. He was a Chinese military leader, strategist, philosopher, and writer. Sun Tzu is traditionally credited as the author of The Art of War an influential work of that influenced military, political, and business strategy.